Dual-rail Variable DC Power Supply

Simple add-on for a single-rail supply, ±2.5V to ±15V output

This design was conceived as an add-on for the Variable DC Power Supply, a very successful circuit posted to this website. This simple unit provides a dual-rail variable output ranging from ±2.5V to ±15Vdc with precise tracking of the positive and negative output voltages, still retaining the current limiting and short-proof capabilities of the "master" circuit. As the purpose of such a dual-rail design is to supply experimental or under-repair circuits, the maximum current output delivered was deliberately kept to about 500 - 600mA per rail, thus avoiding the use of expensive power transistors and complex circuitry.

Dual-rail Variable DC Power Supply schematics


R1 = 4.7K-1/2W
R1 = 4.7K-1/2W
C1 = 100nF-63V
C2 = 220µF-25V
C3 = 220µF-25V
C4 = 100nF-63V
C5 = 100nF-63V
Q1 = BD437
Q2 = BD438
IC1 = LM358


    * The circuit can be placed into the existing Variable DC Power Supply metal cabinet.
    * Q1 and Q2 must be mounted on heatsinks. Usually, bolting them to the metal case (through insulating washers etc.) proved effective.
    * The full ±15V output can be achieved only if the secondary winding of the supply Transformer used in the Variable DC Power Supply is rated at 48V minimum (center tapped).
    * When using this circuit, please set the Current-limit control (P1) of the Variable DC Power Supply to any value comprised in the 50mA - 1A range but not higher.
    * The second Op-amp (IC1B) contained in the LM358 chip was not used, but its input pins were tied to the negative supply and the output was left open.

from  http://extremecircuits.blogspot.com

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